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随着音乐响起,ASJ 2023届毕业生逐一入场,在人生的征途上跨出新的一步。
追求卓越 终身学习
毕业之际,伴着今夏的蝉鸣,ASJ 2023届毕业生们也分享了对过去学习时光的回望,共同踏入人生的新章程。
努力生长 一路向阳
On June 30, the 2023 "Cherishing the Memories in ASJ" graduation ceremony of ASJ was held, laden with the fruitful harvest and the affection of teachers, students and parents, the graduating students set off on their journey again.
As the music played, the ASJ Class of 2023 entered one by one, taking a new step in their journey.
追求卓越 终身学习
ASJ Chief Principal Mr Cheng and Executive Principal Ms Feng Yan encouraged the graduates to continue their pursuit of excellence and to develop a lifelong learning mindset. Whether graduates choose to continue their studies locally or overseas in the future, it is important that they always remember the core values that shaped them. Let them use their skills and talents to make a positive impact on society for themselves, others and the world around them.
Scroll down for the full text of the Principal"s message
Dear distinguished guests, parents, staff members, and most importantly, the graduating class of 2023,
It is with great pride and honor that I stand before you today as the principal of this esteemed school-ASJ, the first School for Hong Kong and Macao students in China. As we gather here to celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of our graduating students, we are reminded of the core values of ASJ that have guided us throughout our journey.
At ASJ, we have always encouraged our students to strive for excellence and develop a mindset of lifelong learning. We have challenged them to think critically, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others, all while staying true to our values of integrity and respect. We have provided them with a holistic education that transcends academic excellence to include skills and values necessary to thrive in today"s dynamic and global community.
Today, we applaud our graduating students, who have taken up this challenge and surpassed our expectations. They have demonstrated their potential and capacity for personal and academic growth, not only meeting but also exceeding rigorous academic standards. More importantly, they have cultivated a sense of responsibility and commitment to contribute to society as active, empathetic, and engaged citizens in Greater Bay Area.
As they step forward into the next phase of their lives, my message to our graduating class is to keep honing the skills they have learned and putting the ideals we have instilled in them to practice. Whether they go on to pursue further education, locally or oversea, let them always remember the values that have shaped them. Let them use their skills and talents to make a positive impact on society for themselves, for others, and the world around them.
To our guests, parents, and teachers, I offer you my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support in guiding our students towards academic excellence and personal achievement. Go hand in hand together, we have instilled the values that have made our graduating class the outstanding young men and women that they are today.
Finally, to our dear graduates, congratulations on this momentous occasion. Remember that you all have limitless potential, and the world is waiting for you to make your mark. Strive for excellence, show your commitment, lead by example, and always remember to give back to your communities, and your home country. I am confident that each and every one of you will make a significant impact on different fields, “Every child can be successful” is our belief and I am proud to have been a part of your journey.
Thank you and congratulations again on your achievement!
At the graduation ceremony, the students went up in turn to receive the blessings of their teachers and supervisors and to receive their graduation certificates.
G12 Fan Wenling looks back on her study days and expresses her fondness for her alma mater and her expectations for the future.
"We are the class of 2023 and we are leaving this school to write a new chapter in our lives. I never knew that one day I would be creating my last set of campus memories with my friends."
On the occasion of graduation, the ASJ Class of 2023 also shared a look back at their past studies as they embarked on a new chapter in their lives, accompanied by the sound of cicadas this summer.
努力生长 一路向阳
As a representative of the teachers, G12 teacher, Carol Lee, sent a message to the students not to forget the journey and the meaning of striving and struggling.
"When you step out of the doors of the ASJ, you will be welcomed to a wider stage. I hope that you will always maintain these great characters and sharpness in you and build on the knowledge and quality you have acquired at ASJ to infect other performers and conquer the audience on stage. The other teachers and I will always be there in the audience to silently watch and support you."
Life sea sea, we are desperately growing out anchor points; white clouds, we still believe in simple bravery, this stop, starry river, not to be outdone! The teachers also have some words they would like to share with the graduates.
Thank you for the kindness of your teachers and cherish the love of your alma mater. At the graduation ceremony, all graduates of the Class of 2023 presented flowers to their teachers to express their gratitude to them.
As a parent representative, the parent of G6 graduate Lu shared her testimonial about her student and the school. She said that at JHU"s Hong Kong and Macau Children"s School, she has seen the teaching philosophy that the teachers uphold, focusing on developing students" creativity and critical thinking skills and emphasising active participation and independent learning. The patience and dedication of the teachers made the children feel respected and cared for in their learning, which led to a more active engagement in learning.
Scroll down to see the full message from the parent representatives
Dear school leaders, teachers, parents and students:
It is a great honour for me to be here on this special occasion, as a representative of the parents of the Year 6 graduates, to express my gratitude and delight to you all.
First of all, I would like to pay a deep tribute to the school. The JHU Hong Kong and Macau Children"s School gives the children genuine respect and attention. Here, each child is treated as an individual, and their strengths and potential are fully explored and nurtured. Whether it is academics, sports or arts, the school provides ample opportunities and space for the children to show their talents and potential.
As a teacher and as an educator, I am aware of the importance of teaching philosophy. At JHU"s Hong Kong and Macau Children"s School, I have seen the teaching philosophy that the teachers uphold, which focuses on developing students" creativity and critical thinking skills and emphasises active participation and independent learning. The patience and dedication of the teachers made the children feel respected and cared for in their learning, which led to a more active engagement in learning.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the teachers. They teach with heart, they guide with heart, they listen with heart and they understand with heart. They not only impart knowledge, but also focus on developing the children"s character and values. With every encouragement and every teaching they give, the children take a step deeper into the sea of knowledge and become thoughtful, emotional and responsible human beings.
Here, I have seen the wisdom and courage of the school leaders. You are constantly updating the management of the school, actively listening to parents" voices and taking on board their suggestions in a timely manner. You work together to create a good learning environment and a platform for growth, with students at the centre and parents as partners. Your efforts have enabled us to see the progress of the school and the growth of our children.
Finally, I would like to say that the children love this school. They come to school every day with great anticipation and it is like they are on a wonderful trip. They are learning, growing and having fun with their teachers and classmates. They learn not only about knowledge, but also about friendship, teamwork and resilience. They also learn to be brave when they encounter challenges here, because they know that school is the starting line for them to achieve their dreams.
Once again, thank you to the JHU Hong Kong and Macau Children"s School for the love and help you have given to the children. We look forward to seeing the children continue to keep their enthusiasm and dreams alive in the future and move forward to create their own bright future!
Thank you all!
At the graduation ceremony, the graduates prepared a programme for parents and to record their campus life with applause. Dance, voiceover, chorus and band ...... graduation is the story of the summer that belongs to the graduates alone.
A youthful hymn that takes us back to the day we first met, and when we look back on it years later, it"s still a rollicking chapter in our lives, so let"s take a look at the highlights of the graduation party next!
The stage was full of excitement, and the teachers and parents applauded as the youthful chanting, dynamic melodies, youthful steps and joyful rhythms lit up the room.
The passing of the years cannot linger the memories of struggle, and the speed of time cannot take away the youth of chasing dreams. May all graduates of the Class of 2023 become the eternal sunrise of youth, forever keeping their faith and glory. In the pursuit of their ideals, they will run to the next mountain and sea!
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